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Port Macquarie Hastings U3A Inc
2 Lochinvar Place
Port Macquarie
NSW 2444
phone:02 6584 4192
Web: or Courses

2025 Term 1

03-Feb-2025 to 28-Mar-2025



Unless a course is cancelled members are not eligible for a refund of course fees except in exceptional circumstances. Members requesting a refund are required to fill in a “Refund Request” form which then goes to the executive for a decision. Refunds can only be made by bank transfer.

Membership fees are not refundable.

COURSES VENUE: PMHU3A Centre unless otherwise stated.

Please consider others



Dancing on Monday Tutor: Christine Battisson

For8 weeks  OnMonday 
03-Feb to 24-Mar  Time: 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM 

Location: U3A Centre - Room 08  Places: 20 max (5 vacant)  Fee: $20.00

Come and try Dances From Around The World!

This is a new course.

Shakespeare on Screen Tutor: Pauline Cain

For8 weeks  OnMonday 
03-Feb to 24-Mar  Time: 01:00 PM to 03:00 PM 

Location: U3A Centre - Room 08  Places: 20 max (8 vacant)  Fee: $20.00

We will explore Shakespeare via film, making connections between film and text. Each film will begin with a short introduction to the play and will conclude with brief discussion and analysis. Class suggestions and commentary is encouraged. Come and enjoy the bard with us !

This is a new course.


Nuclear v Coal (+/- Renewables) Tutor: Dick Ineson

For8 weeks  OnTuesday 
04-Feb to 25-Mar  Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM 

Location: U3A Centre - Room 05  Places: 20 max (8 vacant)  Fee: $20.00

Nuclear - Coal- friend or foe? Australia extracts/produces 10% of the world's total Uranium ore. Coal - we lead the world in exporting "Black Gold".

This is a new course.

The Guide to Essential Italy Tutor: Sue Moll

For8 weeks  OnTuesday 
04-Feb to 25-Mar  Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM 

Location: U3A Centre - Room 08  Places: 15 max (6 vacant)  Fee: $20.00

This fascinating Great Course is presented by Kenneth Bartlett, Ph.D. University of Toronto. It is your very own Grand Tour of Italy .. its history, its people, its cities and monuments, its art and culture. The course extends over 12 weeks and so the last four weeks will be in term 2. This course is a tour of three of the most important engaging and romantic cities in Italy: Rome, Florence and Venice but we will also be taking side trips to Pompeii, Arezzo, Perugia Assisi, Sienna and San Gimignano.

This is a new course.


Aspects of Ancient History Tutor: Marguerite Fisher

For8 weeks  OnWednesday 
05-Feb to 26-Mar  Time: 01:00 PM to 03:00 PM 

Location: U3A Centre - Room 08  Places: 15 max (6 vacant)  Fee: $20.00

Aspects of Egypt, Greece and Rome, focusing on Personalities, Sites and Social Realities.

This is a new course.

Cryptic Crosswords Tutor: Jane Stevenson

For8 weeks  OnWednesday 
05-Feb to 26-Mar  Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM 

Location: U3A Centre - Room 05  Places: 10 max (6 vacant)  Fee: $20.00

The trouble with cryptic crosswords is that the clues don't make any sense! Come to our cryptic crossword course and we will solve the mystery together!

This is a new course.


Blokes Notes acapella Male Choir Intro Tutor: Tom Meakin

For8 weeks  OnThursday 
06-Feb to 27-Mar  Time: 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM 

Location: Mac Adam Music Centr  Places: 5 max (2 vacant)  Fee: $20.00

Blokes Notes: Music Director Leanne Johnson. Blokes Notes is a non-auditioned community male acapella choir that has been raising eyebrows since 2009. Inclusive and energetic, the Blokes entertain with their voices, astound with their facial hair, and have been known to dance at times. This U3A course is an introductory offer for membership of the choir, priced at the course enrolment fee of $20. Max enrolment: 5 persons, please note that if you miss out you may like to consider becoming a full member. Contact Grant 0421 747 919 for further details. Bring water, folder for music, $10 p'copying & copyright.

This is a new course.

Introduction to Croquet Tutor: Bridget Earle

For4 weeks  OnThursday 
13-Feb to 06-Mar  Time: 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM 

Location: Croquet Club  Places: 8 max (5 vacant)  Fee: $10.00

Learn Croquet at the Croquet Club, 15 Buller St, Port Macquarie. Learn the basic skills of croquet and use these to play golf croquet. Brief introduction to ricochet and association croquet. Equipment will be supplied by the Club. $10 for U3A course fee. $10 green fee per session, paid to the Croquet Club. $5 for information folder (program and course notes) paid to the Croquet Club. For further information please contact: Bridget Earle email

This is a new course.

Meditation for peace and harmony. Tutor: Carol Baker

For8 weeks  OnThursday 
06-Feb to 27-Mar  Time: 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM 

Location: U3A Centre - Room 10  Places: 20 max (6 vacant)  Fee: $20.00

Meditation can help us cope better with stress, reduce anxiety, and live happier, more meaningful lives. We will learn and practise how to use posture and breath to make us calmer, and we will practise focusing the mind on beneficial thoughts and attitudes that generate inner peace and harmony, such as benevolence, compassion, gratitude, generosity, loving-kindness and contentment. This is not a video course.

This is a new course.

Slow Sewing Tutor: Sue Martin

For4 weeks  OnThursday 
20-Feb to 13-Mar  Time: 09:30 AM to 11:30 AM 

Location: U3A Centre - Room 06  Places: 10 max (8 vacant)  Fee: $10.00

Slow Sewing: a taster to textile art! Slow sewing is a thoughtful way of using vintage textiles, it does not have the precision of embroidery. You make the design by using simple stitches, eg books, scrolls or patches. Equipment needed: pins, needles, variety of embroidery threads and a piece of vintage embroidery that will be cut up in the design. We will have guest artists, talking about their practice and giving ideas on how to use slow embroidery.

This is a new course.

This course is closed.

Understanding Our Mobile Devices Tutor: John Peasley & David Hogan

For6 weeks  OnThursday 
06-Feb to 13-Mar  Time: 01:30 PM to 02:30 PM 

Location: U3A Centre - Room 04  Places: 10 max (0 vacant)  Fee: $15.00

This course will run for 6 weeks, starting 6th February. This interesting course will help us to learn what we need to know about our mobile devices. We will cover topics such as Device capabilities, Desktop screen, Settings, Apps, Google, Email, etc. All you could ever need to know in the hands of the IT experts John and David!

This is a new course.

Waiting list!

Understanding The Brain Tutor: Carol Baker

For8 weeks  OnThursday 
06-Feb to 27-Mar  Time: 11:30 AM to 01:15 PM 

Location: U3A Centre - Room 09  Places: 20 max (9 vacant)  Fee: $20.00

A Great Courses video course. We will be watching and discussing a series of lectures given by Professor Jeanette Norden. She's a superb lecturer and it's a fascinating subject. No prior knowledge necessary. This course goes over two terms.

This is a new course.


Beginners Bridge Tutor: Tom Meakin

For6 weeks  OnFriday 
07-Mar to 11-Apr  Time: 09:30 AM to 12:00 PM 

Location: Hamilton Green Hast  Places: 12 max (11 vacant)  Fee: $15.00

This course is a basic introduction to Bridge, one of the most popular card games in the world. It is held at the Port Macquarie Bridge Club, Hamilton Green, Hastings River Drive. After term 1, players can join the club as a student and will need to pay $5 per weekly lesson. Students will need to buy the latest edition of the book, Paul Marsden's 'Introduction to Bridge' from the club for $16. Bidding boxes will be on loan for lessons and can be purchased later. Lessons include an instruction period followed by practice. Once you are hooked you will keep going! PLEASE NOTE the start date is 7th MARCH. Any queries please contact Carolyn Hughes 0404 989 895 or Tom Meakin 0439 198 751

This is a new course.