What is a Tutor?
A Tutor is someone who organises and presents a course for Port Macquarie Hastings U3A (PMHU3A). A course can have more than one presenter.
Qualifications of Tutors?
No specific qualification is required by a tutor. Experience or passion for the relevant topic of the course is adequate background. Tutors who use technology as part of a presentation are assumed to have basic technology skills. However, the Tutor Support Team is on hand for troubleshooting. Ideally assistance will be sought before a class if the tutor is unsure of how to use the resources in each room, such as the MEITS.
Number of sessions, length of sessions etc?
A course can occur between 1-8 sessions each term and be held across one or more terms. A session is usually at least 1 hour. If longer, then a break for toilets or refreshments and socialising is recommended.
How are course expenses handled?
Note that all tutors present courses as volunteers and hence are not paid for their efforts. It is also assumed that the majority of courses will not incur any expenses for members beyond the advertised weekly fee. However, members can be asked to contribute to the cost of photocopying course notes. If special equipment or resources are needed, then the details and approximate cost should be outlined in the course description. When particular resources are required by the tutor to present the course, application can be made to the Management Committee for special consideration.
Who do I contact?
The Course Coordinator is usually the first point of contact or your name and contact details can be given to the office volunteers for forwarding to the course coordinator. A Course Proposal form is available at the office or from the course coordinator. It is used for course details such as name of course, tutor details, time tabling requests.
Will my course be approved?
The majority of courses are automatically approved by the course coordinator. If there is concern about the content or mode of presentation of the course, then the proposal is referred for consideration to the Management Committee. Note, a course can be approved at any time during a term. However, preparing the course program begins in week 6 of a term and that is the ideal and preferred time to begin your proposal steps.
Is there a course you would like to see in our program?
While you may not feel confident about being a tutor, perhaps there is a particular topic you would like to learn about, or you have heard a guest speaker elsewhere, or have some resources you would like to share, contact the course coordinator or let the office know.